- #Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak manuals#
- #Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak manual#
- #Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak software#

If the prongs are tight, check for a bad fuse. If that checks ok, remove the cup holder and make sure that all of the Phillips head screws in the fuse box are tight and free of any corrosion. If they are tight, tug on them to make sure the terminals are crimped on solidly. Check ALL wires on the controller and the corresponding motor to make sure they are tight and free of any corrosion. If you have a 4 flash check the following. A 4 flash is almost always caused by a loose connection. This will give you a better explanation of the fault code. The first thing to do is connect the PcPak to the controller. This is almost always caused by a loose connection. Or the B- cable from the batteries to the controllers.Ĥ Flash. If it is on both controllers, it is a connection shared by both controllers, such as the B+ cable from the Batteries to the line contactors. If the 3 flash in on one controller it is a connection used only by that controller. This can be a loose connection or bad cable, but is very rare. A high resistance connection can also cause a 3 flash. If the status says mosfet short circuit, the controller needs to be replaced. The first thing to do when you encounter a 3 flash is to connect the PcPak to the controller. If the problem is still present contact the service department at Bad Boy Buggies for further assistance.ģ Flash. If the problem is still present, remove the wire from the fuse box and place it on the same terminal as the green wire from the key switch.

Sometimes the prongs that hold the fuse can become loose and need to be squeezed together to hold the fuse more securely. Check that the connection is free of any corrosion. If it checks ok at the plug, locate the same wire at the fuse box and check that it is tight there. That wire should be either white or grey. If this is happening, check the wire in the pin 1 location of the 12 pin controller plug on the wiring harness side. When the controller powered back up, it saw the direction switch engaged at power up and therefore produced a 2 flash fault. If a buggy starts off operating normal and then produces a 2 flash code during operation, typically it is because the controller has lost and then regained power. This is usually caused when either the directional switch on the dash is in forward or reverse when the key is switched on, or if the accelerator is depressed before the key is turned on. The service department at Bad Boy Buggies for further assistance.Ģ Flash. If the controller does not respond to reprogramming, please contact This code can appear on one or both controllers at the same time.
#Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak software#
Updating the controller software should solve this problem. The only way to correct this is to reprogram the controller with the newest software version utilizing the PcPak. This is caused by one of the settings in the controller being set out of permissible range.
#Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak manual#
This is what the manual says about fault codes.ġ Flash.
#Sevcon millipak 633t45320 pcpak manuals#
I've got some Bad Boy Classic Buggies manuals here.